1 st year, 9 ECTS
This course consists of three main sections that will cover following areas: research methods, scientific writing and data presentation, data analysis using statistical methods and bioethical concerns in conducting and presenting results of a scientific work.
The largest part of the course will be devoted to teaching students how to plan, perform and present the results of a scientific investigation. As part of the course, students will learn and practise the basic elements of scientific style of writing, get instructions on how to plan the writing of a scientific paper, Master Thesis, oral or poster presentation. Presenting results of a scientific investigation is not possible without knowing how to test hypotheses using an appropriate statistical method. Students will learn a basic knowledge about different types of statistical analysis and hypothesis testing in the statistical section of the course. In the bioethical section, students will learn and discuss different bioethical principles that they have to apply when planning, performing or presenting their data.