1 st year, 3 ECTS
This course is designed to serve as revision for students, and to ensure that all students are ready to begin immediately in the laboratory. Students will therefore:
- Receive training covering occupational health and safety in the laboratory. This will include electrical and physical hazards, chemical hazards, biological aspects of safety, including dealing with living microorganisms and cells.
- Receive an introduction basic considerations of working in a laboratory, including lab etiquette, the process of keeping a laboratory journal and the importance of recording and storing data in a clear and accessible manner.
- Receive a basic revision course on some of the calculations that are required when working in a laboratory, and in particular those concerning determining concentrations of components in buffer solutions.
- Receive a basic course on the use of standard computer programs, such as spreadsheet and presentation software, which are required in the day-to-day life of researchers, for the analysis and presentation of data.
- Undertake a range of laboratory exercises, either alone or in pairs, designed to familiarise themselves with basic techniques, skills and equipment of a laboratory.
- Listen to short presentations from representatives of the different active research groups within the Faculty of Biotechnology & Drug Development, who will provide introductions to their current research projects and interests, to help with selection of laboratory apprenticeship course.